When it comes to treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea, one size DOES NOT fit all. Renaissance Dental and Dr. Brock Livingston have experience using many types of oral appliances to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. See a few of our commonly used appliances below:

The Thornton Adjustable Positioner® (TAP®) is a simple, patient-friendly treatment solution for snoring and sleep apnea. The TAP holds the lower jaw in a forward position so that it does not fall open during the night and cause the airway to collapse. It maintains a clear airway to reduce snoring and improve breathing.
The unique design allows the patient to fine-tune his/her treatment at home and work with the clinician to achieve the best results. Patients are empowered to manage the degree of lower jaw protrusion over as many nights as it takes to achieve the optimal treatment position. The TAP has a single point of central adjustment, which prevents uneven bilateral adjustment that can create an irregular bite and discomfort.
The TAP has over a 95% success rate. It is the key to a snore-free, restful night of sleep. The TAP also treats sleep apnea without the need for surgery, a mask, or medication. The TAP is recognized as the market leader in oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnea and is currently prescribed by dentists worldwide to treat snoring and sleep apnea. In addition, it is the most researched oral appliances on the market with over 30 independent peer reviewed published studies.
Dorsal (Somnodent/Respire Blue)

A dorsal sleep apnea oral appliance, such as the SomnoDent or Respire Blue, is a premium, custom-fitted dental device developed for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. It is an effective, comfortable, and durable alternative to CPAP therapy or corrective surgery. By simply wearing a dorsal appliance while sleeping, your lower jaw (mandible) will be moved forward into a comfortable position, allowing relaxation of the tissues at the back of your throat and ensuring the base of your tongue does not collapse and block your airway, giving you a safe and soundless sleep. Many patients prefer oral appliance therapy for its comfort, convenience and effectiveness.

The EMA® (Elastic Mandibular Advancement) oral appliance is a customized removable appliance created for the noninvasive treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The appliance is designed to both advance the mandible and open the bite to allow for less restricted airflow during sleep.
EMA devices help promote a deeper, more restful sleep by preventing snoring and relieving the symptoms of OSA. The EMA does not interfere with breathing through the mouth, even in cases of congested nasal passages. It has many options for advancement with nine strap lengths (13 mm–21 mm) and four different elastic tension options, indicated by color. The shorter the strap, the farther the mandible is advanced. The 36 different straps allow for the most effective repositioning of the jaw with maximum comfort. Due to the varying elastic bands, non-restricted lateral/protrusive movement is possible while wearing the device.
The EMA is indicated for patients with either a full or partial set of natural teeth. The patient’s remaining teeth should have sufficient height of contour for the device to gain retention at the gingival third, and the edentulous ridge must be fully captured in the impression.

The Herbst oral device has been proven to be effective treatment for bruxism, chronic snoring and/or mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea sufferers. This appliance allows patients to move laterally and vertically without disengaging the appliance. A modified version of the Herbst appliance can often be used for patients that wear dentures.
Quiet Nite

The QuietNite, a mandibular re-positioning and advancement device is intended for the treatment of snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea in persons 18 years of age or older. The QuietNite consists of two separate thermal forming trays, which fit over the upper and lower arches. The trays are connected by two lateral rotating connectors, which gently pull the lower jaw forward. Patients can adjust the connectors to meet their comfort level at home. Snoring research has shown that custom fabricated dental devices worn at night that move the lower jaw into a forward position, increase the three dimensional space in the airway tube which reduces air velocity and soft tissue vibration. By increasing the volumetric capacity of the airway and preventing soft tissue vibrations, snoring is eliminated.